Donating to the APA SPCA

Your help makes a difference.

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We have added the Foster Program!



Please help our cause.

Our Volunteers

The fantastic people behind the APA SPCA.

Donations small and large make a big difference.

No one is more responsible with your charitable contribution.

The APA SPCA can make a difference with your help. We understand in that these tough times we have less, but it is also the most important time to be generous. Even if generous is just a couple of dollars. 

When times are tough it is often the pets that suffer the most. Can you imagine having a personal financial crisis and your pet needs emergency medical care that you just can't afford? How about having to make the decision to put your pet down because you can't afford the care?

Obviously no one can provide help to everyone that needs it, but we can help in the most extreme circumstances.

The APA SPCA program guidelines;

  • Donations to cover Veterinary bills from the APA SPCA are made only in an emergency situation. Pet owners should be prepared for any medical situation that arises. In a verifiable, unexpected financial emergency that keeps a responsible pet owner them from being able to pay a veterinary bill we will do our best to help.
  • All Foster Program participants are trained by the APA SPCA and evaluated on an continual basis.
  • All applications for assistance are verified. We take every precaution to be sure your generous donation goes to a pet that has a genuine need and a responsible pet owner.
  • Applications for pet owner assistance are made through APA Approved Veterinarians to assure the need is genuine.
  • Advertising and administrative costs are kept extremely low to assure the highest possible percentage of every donation goes to a pet in need.

Please donate using Paypal today! PayPal here

Fraud Prevention - As part of our fraud prevention program, we offer online verification of your donation. This assures you that the donation you have made arrives at the organization.

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About the APA SPCA

Learn about what we do, how and why...

Donate Today

There are many ways to donate and your support is greatly appreciated!

Financially Responsible Pet Owners

Be prepared for your pet's health.

Pet Owner Assistance

Read qualifications and apply today!

themed object
American Pet Association Society for the Protection of Companion Animals
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Thank you to our recent supporters!!!

#1 indoor Dog Potty

A BIG thank you to Zip Recruiter for their support!


Pupsi Inc, Cary, NC
Fundraising Business Partner! 

North State Industries
Superior Quality Pet Gates

Just Because for Dogs
High quality treat for dogs with health issues

Lola's for Pets
Sock Monster - A truly amazing toy!

Rok Dog
The Ultimate Stretch leash

Pet Doors USA -
Ultra High Quality Pet Doors